From Farm To Platter

We are here to help you to try


Salad & Co. is all about healthy food and sustainable diets. We aim to provide fresh Natural, Organic food that appeal to “mindful Eater”. Our vision is to make high quality, Farm Grown healthy food that everyone can relish.
We aim to bust the myth that healthy food isn’t delicious and a struggle on a day to day basis. We use premium products that are nurtured at our farm located near Dehradun. We are here to help, try us to taste the difference that “REAL FOOD” makes and enjoy health benefits.

Our Menu

Non-Vegetarian Salads

Menu Information
Tender roasted chicken breast, Salad greens, Sweet bell peppers, Black olives, Onions, Carrots
  • Seasoning: Oregano, Chilli Flakes, Black Pepper, Salt
  • Dressing: Honey Mustard Dressing

Grilled Chicken Salad with Avocado

Oregano, Chilli Flakes, Black Pepper, Salt
Menu Information
Tuna Fish Served with Salad Greens, Iceberg Lettuce, Red Lettuce, Bell Peppers, Onion, Cherry Tomatoes, Carrot, Olives, Sun Dried Tomatoes, Red Cabbage and Parsley.
  • Seasoning: Oregano, Chili Flakes, Black Pepper, Salt
  • Dressing:  Tomatoes Balsamic Vinaigrette

Roca Tuna Salad

Oregano, Chili Flakes, Black Pepper, Salt
Menu Information
Japanese salad of Teriyaki chicken, Salad greens, Sweet bell peppers, Broccoli, Spring onion, Red radish, Cherry tomatoes, Sesame seeds
  • Seasoning: Oregano, Chili Flakes, Black Pepper, Salt
  • Dressing: Teriyaki Sauce & Peanut Butter Dressing

Teriyaki Glazed Chicken Salad

Oregano, Chili Flakes, Black Pepper, Salt
Menu Information
Grilled Chicken, Sprouts, Iceberg Lettuce, Red Lettuce, Bell peppers,  Red Onion, Red Cabbage, Parsley
  • Seasoning: Oregano, Chili Flakes, Black Pepper, Salt
  • Dressing: Mustard Vinaigrette

Chicken Gado Gado Salad with Sprouts

Oregano, Chili Flakes, Black Pepper, Salt
Menu Information
Grilled Chicken, Iceberg Lettuce, Red Lettuce, Bell Peppers, Onion, Cherry Tomatoes, Green Beans, Parsley, Avocado.
  • Seasoning: Oregano, Chili Flakes, Black Pepper, Salt
  • Dressing:  Italian Herbs Dressing

Perfect Italian Chicken Salad with Boiled Eggs

Oregano, Chilli Flakes, Black Pepper, Salt

Extra Toppings

Chicken₹ 50
Eggs₹ 20
Arugula₹ 50
Cottage Cheese₹ 60
Seeds Mixture (Chia, Pumkin)₹ 70
Olives(Black/Green)₹ 30
Jalapenos₹ 30
Feta/Cheddar/Parmesan₹ 50
Almonds, Cashew & Walnut₹ 100
Berries₹ 50

Vegetarian Salads

Menu Information
Village salad with Salad greens, Tomato, Cucumber, Sweet bell peppers, Onion, Olives, Feta, Sweet corn, Mushroom, Broccoli, Red onion, Croutons.
  • Seasoning: Oregano, Chili Flakes, Black Pepper, Salt
  • Dressing : Mango Balsamic Vinaigrette

Farmers Salad

Oregano, Chilli Flakes, Black Pepper, Salt
Menu Information
Arugula, Baby Spinach, Red lettuce leaf, Avocado, Sliced apple, Sliced almonds, Goat cheese
  • Seasoning : Oregano, Chilli Flakes, Black Pepper, Salt
  • Dressing : Tomato Balsamic vinaigrette

Goat Cheese with Arugula and Avocado

Oregano, Chili Flakes, Black Pepper, Salt
Menu Information
Golden quinoa served with salad greens, Iceberg Lettuce, Chopped Onion, Chopped Tomatoes, Cucumber and Parsley.
  • Seasoning: Honey, Salt Pepper, Lime Juice, Olive Oil
  • Sause: Honey Lemon Dressing

Quinoa Tabbouleh & Veggies Salad

Honey, Salt Pepper, Lime Juice, Olive Oil
Menu Information
Grilled Cottage Cheese with Salad greens, Broccoli, Mushroom, Bell Pepper, Zucchini, Jalapenos, Olives, Sweet Corn.
  • Seasoning: Oregano, Chili Flakes, Black Pepper, Salt
  • Dressing: Mustard Vinaigrette

Cottage Cheese & Grilled Veggies Salad

Oregano, Chili Flakes, Black Pepper, Salt
Menu Information
Red Kidney Beans, Green Beans and Chickpea with Salad Greens, Iceberg, Lettuce, Red onion, Chopped Tomatoes and Parsley
  • Seasoning: Oregano, Chili Flakes, Black Pepper, Salt
  • Dressing: Honey Lemon Dressing

Three Bean Salad

Oregano, Chili Flakes, Black Pepper, Salt

Extra Toppings

Olives(Black/Green)₹ 30
Jalapenos₹ 30
Feta/Cheddar/Parmesan₹ 50
Arugula₹ 50
Almonds, Cashew & Walnut₹ 100
Cottage Cheese₹ 60
Berries₹ 50
Seeds Mixture(Chia, Pumpkin)₹ 70


Menu Information
A time classic Tomato soup with Onion, Garlic, Carrot and Celery.
  • Seasoning: Salt Pepper
  • Dressing: Fresh Basil
  • Served with Garlic Bread
  • Serving Size (250Ml Bowl, Serves 1)

Tomato Basil Soup

Tomato soup with Onion, Garlic, Carrot and celery.
Menu Information
A thick Tomato soup of Italian Origin made with tomato base and onion, Garlic, Carrot and Celery, Exotic vegetables, Pasta, Parmesan cheese
  • Seasoning: Oregano and Thyme
  • Dressing: Fresh parsley
  • Served with Garlic Bread
  • Serving Size (250Ml Bowl, Serves 1)

Minestrone Soup

Oregano and Thyme
Menu Information
A thick creamy soup made with cream base and mushroom as main ingredients with garlic, butter, vegetable stock, Cheddar Cheese.
  • Seasoning: Salt, Pepper and Thyme
  • Dressing: Fresh parsley
  • Serving Size (250Ml Bowl, Serves 1)
  • Served with Garlic Bread

Cream of Mushroom

Salt, Pepper and Thyme
Menu Information
A thick creamy soup made with Cream base and Mushroom as main ingredients with Garlic, Butter, Vegetable stock, Cheddar cheese.
  • Seasoning: Salt, Pepper and Thyme
  • Dressing: Fresh parsley
  • Served with Garlic Bread
  • Serving Size (250Ml Bowl, Serves 1)

Cream of Chicken

Salt, Pepper and Thyme
Menu Information
A thin clear soup made with Cilantro and Spinach base with Chicken, Garlic, Vegetable stock,
  • Seasoning: Salt and Pepper
  • Dressing: Cilantro
  • Served with Garlic Bread
  • Serving Size (250Ml Bowl, Serves 1)

Chicken and Spinach Soup

Salt and Pepper

Oatmeal Bowls

Menu Information
Overnight Soaked oats served with Blueberries, Cranberry, Black Currants, Raisins, Figs, Banana, Chia, Sunflower & Pumpkin seeds
  • Serving Size (500Ml Bowl, Serves 1)

Blueberry Oatmeal Bowl

Overnight Soaked oats served with Blueberries, Cranberry, Black Currants, Raisins, Figs, Banana, Chia, Sunflower & Pumpkin seeds
Menu Information
Oats, Banana, Green Apple, Honey, Cinnamon Powder and Almonds, Walnuts, Cashew, Chia seeds, Sunflower seeds.
  • Serving Size (500Ml Bowl, Serves 1)

Apple Pie Oatmeal Bowl

Oats, Banana, Green Apple, Honey Cinnamon Powder and Almonds, Walnuts, Cashew, Chia seeds, Sunflower seeds.

Extra Toppings

Almonds, Cashew & Walnut₹ 100
Seeds Mixture(Chia, Pumpkin, Sunflower)₹ 70
Berries(Cranberries, Blueberries, Black Currants)₹ 50


Menu Information
Cilantro, Green Apple, Arugula, Parsley
  • Additions: Salt + Ginger +Honey
  • Properties: Rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties
  • Benefits: Glowing Skin, Helps Detox, Cleans Gut

Green Blood for Skin

Cilantro, Green Apple, Arugula, Parsley
Menu Information
Carrot, California Orange, Ginger, Guava
  • Additions: Rock Salt + Lime  + Honey
  • Properties: Rich in carotene and lutein
  • Benefits: Boost immunity, Improves eyesight, Healthy Skin

Vita C for Eyes

Carrot, California Orange, Ginger, Guava
Menu Information
Beetroot , Awla, Ginger, Spearmint
  • Additions: Salt + Jeera + Honey
  • Properties: Rich in Iron and anti-inflammatory properties
  • Benefits: Boost immunity, Helps Detox, Build Stamina.

Bloody Mary for Detox & Skin

Beetroot , Awla, Ginger, Spearmint
Menu Information
Celery, Kale, Cucumber, Cilantro
  • Additions: Celery Salt + Ginger +Honey
  • Properties: Rich in dietary fibers which suppress food cravings
  • Benefits: Manage weight, Aid in fat burning

3CK Juice for Fat Burning

Celery, Kale, Cucumber, Cilantro
Menu Information
Pineapple, Orange, Clive Garlic, Ginger
  • Additions: Salt + Ginger +Honey
  • Properties: Anti Microbial Properties and rich in flavonoids
  • Benefits: Builds Immunity, Helps fight common ailments like cough, Cold, Flu

Sunshine for Immunity

Pineapple, Orange, Clive Garlic, Ginger
Menu Information
Pomegranate, Beetroot
  • Additions: Ginger +Lemon
  • Properties: Rich in Vitamin K, Prevents Blood Clotting, reduce the risk of stroke
  • Benefits: Lowers Blood Pressure, Overall health of Cardio Vascular system.

Red Devil for Heart

Pomegranate, Beetroot
Menu Information
Bitter Gourd(Karela), Spinach, Amla
  • Additions: Honey +Lemon + Rock Salt + Turmeric Powder
  • Properties: Great source of foliate, dietary fiber, vitamins A, B, C, E and K
  • Benefits: Helps regulate Blood Sugar levels, has insulin like Compound

Green Bitters for Diabetes

Bitter Gourd(Karela), Spinach, Amla

Our Farm

We provide fresh vegetables grown at our Retreat in Itharana

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